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How to Prepare International relations For UPSC exam

In the General Studies Paper-2 of the UPSC Mains Exam, international relations is a significant subject. This topic is consistently used in questions worth 100 points, making it crucial for doing well in this paper. It is significant to note that the primary focus of the UPSC Mains’ section on international relations is current events. Thus, in order to create comprehensive yet impactful replies to the exam questions, you must possess a good command of current events.

Questions are typically based on current events, even though the International relations area covers both static and dynamic issues. Determining how current world events and developments may impact India and her relations with other nations is so crucial.

This article will cover the strategy to prepare International Relations for UPSC Exam

Syllabus for International Relations

The following themes are where the International relations questions of the GS Paper II are found:


    • India’s connections with its neighbours

    • Groupings and agreements on a bilateral, regional, and international level including India and damaging the interests of India

    • Political and policy implications for India’s interests and the Indian diaspora in developed and emerging nations

    • Key international organisations, agencies, and forums—their makeup and objectives

Get the exam papers from previous years

Get hold of the exam papers from prior years before beginning your study. This will provide you with a better understanding of the calibre and type of the questions posed. It is crucial to comprehend the types of questions asked since you will then be able to deduce knowledge from books and organise it conceptually or diagnostically on paper.

Lay the groundwork

Without understanding the background, such as events that occurred after the independence era, the cold war and the non-alignment era, the Wars between India and Pakistan and China and Pakistan, the Fall of the USSR, the 9/11 incident, and everything that followed, you will not be able to comprehend why such things are happening now or the causes behind them. You can better relate the news if you are aware of the context.

Prepare for International Relations UPSC Notes

Making concise notes on the topic is vital because there is no one book that contains all of the information. Additionally, the UPSC’s topic on international relations is very dynamic and heavily impacted by current affairs. Study newspapers and the Department of External Affairs’ official website in addition to the prescribed standard material to create your own notes.

Read Newspaper

One thing you must have heard when mentioning your UPSC test preparation is “Do read the newspaper daily.” Newspapers and UPSC Syllabus are approximately equally relevant and significant in terms of weight. Global current issues make up a significant portion of the exam. Choose one national newspaper and read it every day up until the day of your exam. Include all newspaper sections, including those that address global topics. During this period of preparation, keep in mind that you need to budget about 25 to 30 minutes for reading the newspaper. In addition, you can choose from a variety of periodicals. On the weekends, read them in your leisure time. These publications can prove to be quite educational.

Writing Practice

You should start writing replies on a daily basis as soon as you comprehend the subject. Answers to questions from prior years might be written in the beginning. And you can gradually quicken the process. Increased quality and coverage will result from daily practice. Your grade will increase if your replies are more engaging. The more you write, the simpler it will be to establish a distinctive personal voice. Writing will become simpler and more efficient with practice, as with most other talents. Concentrate your communication.

UPSC Mock Tests

Mock tests for upsc are really helpful in this process. Self-evaluation is a crucial component of getting ready for international relations.

It can assist candidates for civil service in recognising their errors, learning from them, determining the strategy they should use to continue their preparation, and pinpointing their strengths and shortcomings. Joining a mock exam series is strongly advised, especially if you are studying at home. This will aid in your self-evaluation and future assistance.

Revision is the key

Your ability to respond to test questions will improve with revision. You’ll sense being ready. And that feeling of security and confidence, knowing that you’ve made the necessary revisions, will lessen exam anxiety.

Employing your resources

Making sure the information you gain through books or other media is appropriate is a crucial part of preparation. You must be intelligent to use a fact or piece of information in the most effective way. The internet makes it simpler to stay up to date on current events. However, applicants might leverage the usability of the Internet as a resource to enhance their preparation.

Stay motivated

Maintain a positive outlook and resist being under pressure when preparing. It is quite simple to feel demotivated, disappointed, and stressed. You should study at your own pace and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Additionally, ensure you receive a decent night’s sleep because sleep deprivation can easily impair your memory. Online forums like YouTube are excellent places to get answers to your questions and solve any issues you may be having. While you’re at it, remember to keep yourself from becoming sidetracked.

Be sure to take care of your health in addition to getting enough sleep. Do not overwork yourself or skip meals. Your study habits can be substantially improved with a cheerful outlook.

Other Benefits of International Relations

International relations is crucial for the UPSC civil services test since it aids candidates in better understanding global politics. Additionally, it aids in their development of a worldview. Candidates that are knowledgeable about international relations will be better able to analyse global issues and identify solutions. Additionally, this global perspective aids students in understanding some domestic security issues including global terrorism, interstate crime, and environmental degradation. In addition, it aids in the preparation of other significant articles, such as those on history, geography, and economics. Aspirants will comprehend these topics more fully if they have a solid understanding of International relations.