Bank Name : IDBI BANKA/C No: 134710200000134237Branch Address : Mukherjee Nagar, (New Delhi – 110009)RTGS/NEFT IFSC Code: IBKL0001347
Bank Name : ICICI Bank – Mukherjee NagarA/C No. : 113005000399Branch Address : 68 Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, (New Delhi – 110009)RTGS/NEFT IFSC Code : ICIC0001130
This is to state that I _________ Son/Daughter/Wife of _________ resident of ________ am joining SHRI RAM IAS STUDY CENTRE having a complete knowledge of the Institute and of its rules and regulations and discipline as mentioned in the website and after consulatation with the counselor of the Institute.
I understood the features and Rules and Regulations and I accept the Rules and Regulations of the Institute with sound mind. I declare that I will abide rules and regulations and the discipline of the Institute. For disciplinary action the decision of the managing body of the Institute will be final.