Three month preparation tips For UPSC Prelims


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Every year, thousands of people who want to become IAS candidates take the Union Public Civil Services (UPSC) Exam. Only a small number of candidates pass the time-consuming exam and are included on the final cut-out list due to the tough process. Aspirants should keep in mind that passing the preparation tips For UPSC Prelims requires both hard work and a team effort in addition to smart work. Aspirants also hold the opinion that all of the time and effort they invested in studying for this exam was for nothing because they received no compensation.

In some ways, it is accurate to say that candidates who don’t pass this exam may feel like failures. However, it’s also true that you’ll use the information you’ve gathered and the knowledge you’ve gleaned in some way. Aspirants can clear IAS Prelims by studying 90 days, if you are preparing using the correct resources along with a study plan.

Make a schedule for UPSC Prelims Exam

At this point of preparation, this is crucial. Set aside time for each issue or subject according to its value or weight while creating a regimen for these recent months. He suggested the following for a well-organised three-month revision schedule for UPSC Prelims Paper I, General Studies:

  • 15 to 20 days for economy
  • 15 to 20 days of geography and environment
  • 18 to 20 days of politics and governance
  • 8 Days of Art & Culture
  • 8 days in recent history
  • 7–10 days in ancient Indian history
  • 8 days of science and technology

The subjects are arranged according to importance. This is only an example. You can create your own schedule based on your preferences. The days’ time slots ought to be allocated so that candidates spend more time reviewing their weak subjects. However, it’s important to review the material thoroughly. To Prepare for UPSC Prelims Exam, it is imperative to review each subject.

Clear basic concepts

People who want to join the public service and contribute to the growth of their country should be well-versed in current events and the nation’s major developments. It is essential to have an in-depth understanding of the language, culture, and society of your home country in order to be adequately prepared for the exams. Therefore, being prepared does not require you to be a bookworm but rather an aspirant with a realistic understanding of his environment.

Use your notes

Keep your notes on hand for each subject and review them as you revise. You won’t have to spend as much time discussing each topic in detail, which will save you time.

Some coaching centres will give subject-specific revision notes two months before the exam if you haven’t already produced separate notes. They are available in printed periodicals as well as online Class.

Mock tests For UPSC Prelims

It’s crucial to evaluate yourself with a mock exam. You can get a clear picture of your areas of weakness by completing as many mock tests as possible. This will enable you to adjust your schedule as necessary. Give yourself at least two days every week to complete practice exams. Must carefully examine the questions and responses in order to determine the trend, your shortcomings, and strengths. You run the risk of jeopardising your attempt if you only tackle questions for which you are confident in your knowledge. Spend time analysing your test results afterward to monitor your correctness. Instead of simply checking the correct response to a question you got wrong, make sure you fully grasped the subject and, if necessary, sought out additional clarification.

CSAT Paper

Even if you only need 33% on the CSAT, it’s still crucial that you study well. Practice the reasoning and maths questions from last year’s exams. Remember that you cannot pass the Prelims if you do not qualify for CSAT, regardless of how well you perform on the General Studies paper. Therefore, don’t overlook the CSAT exam. Make sure you’ve practised it thoroughly over the past month so you can easily qualify. The CSAT exam proves to be a great helping hand for the aspirants.

Improve your writing skills for UPSC

Writing effective answers is crucial for the UPSC Civil Services main test. The UPSC mains test is only about your knowledge and memory; it is also about how you apply your learning to a certain paper. Therefore, when studying for the mains and considering a particular subject, constantly consider the kinds of questions that might be asked about it and how you can connect it to current events. It is advisable to highlight and include relevant flowcharts, graphs, pie charts, and other drawings in your replies as these will catch the examiner’s eye.

Three-tiered Revision

The most effective revising strategy previously used by IAS candidates was this one. The understanding of a topic is aided if it is reviewed the day after study, although long-term retention is not greatly aided. This is why each topic should be reviewed three times before the exam using a three-tiered revision strategy.

Relax Yourself

The likelihood that you won’t be able to remain alert during the exam increases if you are psychologically exhausted and under stress. In the final week before the exam, refrain from using social media and try meditation to help you relax. This is because using social media distracts you whereas practising meditation keeps you focused. Never skimp on your sleep; you don’t want to be answering the paper while only partially conscious.


It is advised that you review all the key passages, make prepared notes on their content, and try last-minute mock revisions. Avoid starting any new topic preparation at the last minute, and be sure to remove any unnecessary sections to lessen your workload. Aspirants should create their own examination strategy and consider how they might approach the different parts of the preliminary examination in a well-coordinated manner. Although it is difficult to pass the preliminary exams in 90 days, it is quite possible to pass this test in 90 days if the candidate follows their plan sincerely and has faith in their own abilities.

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