Are you serious about IAS? Want to clear the UPSC exam on the first attempt? However, it is one of the most difficult exams in India. All of us must agree with this fact! Firstly, you should understand every topic in-depth. Otherwise, you cannot clear the exam on the first attempt. So, the syllabus is extremely vast. Proper planning is very important. But cultivating a few habits should make your IAS exam preparation much better. Above all, the time period of the exam is long. Almost, it takes one year to complete all three stages.
Generally, UPSC preparation is like a marathon. Being consistent is one of the important factors. How do you develop the perfect mindset? Here, comes the need for cultivating a few habits. Want to know about them? Check out the below list. Get guidance from an experienced person. These habits help you in developing certain skills. These skills are very useful to attain top rank in the UPSC exam.
Make Sure You Read a Lot
Books are not only related to the curriculum. Also, read other books such as world affairs, sociology, economics, etc. The syllabus is huge. When you read more books, you will learn the skill of reading fast. Along with fast reading, learn to understand the concepts at the same rate. As a result, you will be able to finish the syllabus soon. Otherwise, you end up with bad IAS exam preparation. In addition, you must develop analytical skills.
Also, you should be able to understand the same concept from different perspectives. Finally, represent your answers in a well-organized manner. This happens only when you read and articulate your thoughts. It is ok if you are not 100 percent knowledgeable. But you should know how to write impressive answers. So, learn to express your ideas well. All toppers possess excellent presentation skills.
Develop Good Writing Skills
You need not know the right answers to all the questions. I agree IAS exam preparation is tough. But develop the capacity to write correct answers. First, learn to understand the questions properly. Next, comprehend them well within a few seconds. Consequently, frame your answers impressively. During the UPSC exam, you need to write a minimum of 10,000 words in a day. It includes all 4 subjects. So, imagine the accuracy and speed of writing skills you must possess. So, it is not an easy task. This is why you need to practice writing. It can be developed only through consistent practice. Above all, you should make it a habit.
Study Only What is Required
During IAS exam preparation, you should understand what an important topic is and what is not. Generally, students forget to look into the syllabus part. All the information will not be important. You are accessible to a large amount of content in today’s internet world. You must filter out the information. Use only the best learning resources to prepare. For instance, reading a newspaper is a tedious task. Most of the students do not know what to read in the newspaper.
So, they end up wasting time by reading unwanted articles too. On a frank note, take a chance to meet old students. Talk to them! They have already cracked the IAS exam. As a result, they will have better knowledge about what to study and what not to study. Now, pick up all the topics important for the exam. Organize it properly before studying. This helps you to recall the right information at the right time in the exam hall.
Ask For Feedback Consistently
You need to seek feedback from experts. It is very important to attain success. You have been studying for a long period of time. Without knowing your performance level, it is difficult to judge the correctness. So, timely feedback is mandatory. Otherwise, you will spoil the IAS exam preparation period. What to study? How much more to study? How to make my study plan? These types of questions start bothering you!
When you take the feedback, it is easy to answer all the above questions. Moreover, genuine feedback helps you to learn the weak areas. Start working on them and optimize your preparation. Get feedback only from an experienced person. They must have attended the UPSC exam before. The wrong person might mislead you! Be careful about this aspect.
Disciplined Study Timetable
UPSC has a huge syllabus and is complicated in nature. So, regular and disciplined studying is mandatory. Some students spend almost 2 to 3 years for IAS exam preparation alone. Do not lose your patience level. Be disciplined in your studies. For this to happen, push away all the kinds of distractions and focus on only a single goal. Above all, you need to have a stable mind to study for such a long time period.
Deviations are common among students preparing for the UPSC exam. Every student who makes up their position to the final round is proven to be consistent. So, you try to be one among them. Attitude is equally important along with aptitude. Develop these habits during your college life itself.
Attempt Mock Test Series
You might make up an excellent IAS Exam preparation. But, without testing your ability, no rewards can be claimed. So, test yourself. Before the UPSC board tests and captures your mistakes. Check your answers well in advance by attending a mock test series. Do not postpone the practice tests until the end date. It is a bad decision. Instead, plan it to be on a regular basis. Once you finish certain topics, take up the related tests.
Attempt the questions from those particular topics. Become perfect and then move on to the next set of topics. If you make any mistakes, it is easy to prepare at that same moment only. It saves your time and money. Otherwise, you have to prepare again on the end date. The exam date will almost be near. So, it is not easy to manage stress and face mistakes. Many good institutes offer a comprehensive test series. Purchase and start practicing today!
Look at the above-listed 5 habits. It will definitely strengthen your IAS exam preparation. Start your dream career with a good set of habits. We wish your journey towards success is as smooth as possible.